I didn't choose to be from Amiens I was just lucky

Martin Gobert

Keywords: Humor, Tourism, Sarcasm

Internship: Helmut Smits
nitramtrebog@gmail.com, instagram.com/nitramtrebog

Amiens is my hometown.

Situated in the north of France, it is the 27th biggest city in the country. It is a proper city, but not big enough to be popular. Since I was little, I grew up with the idea that being from Amiens was not cool; I was ashamed of coming from the province. As soon as I had the opportunity, I didn’t hesitate to move to Paris, and then to The Hague.

I was in search of a place where I could finally be cool as well.

After 5 years away from my hometown, I missed it; it missed me. I had to go back. I understood that there’s nothing cooler than being proud of the place where you come from.

In the past months, I’ve made several trips to Amiens: Observing the streets, interacting with the people, collecting concrete, Searching for a reconnection with my city.

This project is about a love/hate relationship. It is about turning shame into power. It is about finding beauty in the dirt.

This project is an ode to my hometown.

AMIENS, remember this name!

Documentation: Sophie Leyendecker and Martin Gobert

Concrete glitter-print relic 1 and 2
Concrete glitter-print relic 3
Concrete glitter-print relic 4
Concrete glitter-print relic 5 and 6
Still from short movie
Still from short movie
Souvenir T-shirt "I love Amiens scanned, reprinted"
Souvenir T-shirt "I didn't choose to be from *your hometown* I was just lucky" in process
Souvenir T-shirt "I didn't choose to be from *your hometown* I was just lucky"
Souvenir T-shirt All-over street print
Publication front cover
Publication back cover
Spread from publication
Spread from publication