Warm Remains

Lode Dijkers

Keywords: Dissociation, Trauma, Ghost

www.lodedijkers.nl, l.dijkers@me.com

Following recent family trauma, Lode Dijkers found his state of mind suspended between being painfully present, and being distantly dissociated. Warm Remains presents research into this state of mind, which he found was particularly bound to his loving family home — a place that has also been the center stage for past traumas, anxieties and nightmares. The project explores how trauma can turn a person into a ghost-like figure, yearning to live in the present but haunted by the past and future, making it frustratingly impossible to fully engage with the here and now.

This state of being is explored in a game engine which perfectly blurs the lines between hyper realism and illusion, presence and dissociation, body and nobody.