for the good that I would, I do not

Caleb Witvoet

Keywords: Skateboard, Architecture, Woodwork,

Rather than drafting space outward from the body, as in the approach of architecture, I've settled on tracing buildings by their timbers in an effort to reconcile the will of disparate beings and things, reflecting upon my intent in the process. Combined with skateboarding (mode of transportation), tracing produces space in the same act as taking it in. I'd tell you the history of this building on the plot of Bleijenburg 38, but there are other stories here that must be read by feel. The stories of trees, written in the grain of wood with which it was built.

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Imperfections in maple ply for skateboard manufacturing. "Y" figure, 13 sheets, 2-sided.
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Early progression, tracing the space and building movement memory.