Flóra Lazin
Keywords: Speculative, Nature & human
floralazin@gmail.com, instagram.com/flofesszor, vimeo.com/user131003756
Somewhere around 100 years in the future, due to the activity of the insatiable modern human, the air pollution reaches beyond toxic. Humans are forced to search for a new form of existing in a world without fresh air.
Inspired by the photosynthesis of plants and their ability to convert carbon-dioxide into oxygen, scientists and biologists form a group to find a way to redefine the continuation of human life. They create a seed and implant it into the human lung. The seed gradually alters the fabric of the human lung, inducing a morphosis that extends throughout the entire human body, into a hybrid of plant and human. This hybrid being provides clean air with its every exhale and starts to heal the damage that humans have done to the planet.