Renata Mirón
Keywords: Fragmentation, Textilecrafts, Artisticresearch
salon.io/renata, instagram.com/renmgr0, renata.mg.19@gmail.com
Mestizaje is ubiquitous in the human experience. Ever-changing, unestablished, contradictory, and paradoxical, mestizo’s bodies, language and identities live within the borderlands: ni de aquí, ni de allá. In her installation, Renata Mirón whispers the way into a hidden passage from one world to the next. She opens the door, let’s the light in. She invites you to cross over from the paradigmatic reality to one where ambiguity and complexity are welcome, one where the self is allowed to remain fragmented and undefined. Renata’s research spirals around notions of sympoiesis, or forms of exercising a shared artistic practice, through mediums like embroidery, knitting, voice and video, as well as facilitating workshops on craft as an artistic research method.