The care water closet


Normative grids imposed by the capital rule the normal human’s life. Those capital notions led to exponential growth in economy and technology. Good for us !But is it good for ourselves?

Look! The normal human has to know it all, all the time. The normal human has to do it all, all the time. The normal human has to be understood, all the time. The research questions ‘normality’.

The normality of the human behavior, at this time. And because crises rip open the fabric of normality, the research is also focused on marginal spaces and characters in times of crisis. Crisis whether mental, personal or global, stress on the urgency to care. But the problem with care is that it is too personal, lacking the spatial and mental tools to communicate it with the self and with others. This project is for care in times of care crisis, abolishing distressing normalities.

The new normal agency proposes a care centred future scenario where ‘new senses of normality’ can be experienced. My design; ‘the care water closet’ reproduces the toilet space as an everyday space mobilized with domestic self care tools, focusing on the psychological value of toilets. Time here is reimagined as a value measured by means of care, not by means of production. The water closet has care uniforms that communicate care with others through the element of water. The care water closet generates a community of agents that hacks the ‘flush society’. They are a community of individuals celebrating their intrinsic values through their behaviors and appearances. They have different agendas in relation to the water, the psych and the communal care.

The care water closet, the care agents and their care tools, are createed as an alien senario, reflecting on the current world we live in and to emphasize on the urgency to care in times of care crisis. The care water closet focuses on both; the mental care crisis and the water crisis.

This design is for the self, the others, the water and for what is valued ,in times of the future. It is to deal with the mental and physical sh*t instead of flushing it away.

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The care water closet


SPACES OF UNKNOWING ‘proposing a new normal to out-grid norms in spaces’

To have more information about the project and personal work please check the portfolio: