The Sky Is A Hazy Shade Of Winter

In the heart of Sweden lies Bergslagen, a region steeped in history, particularly known for its once-thriving iron mining industry. But as the mines closed their last doors in the 1980s, a ripple effect began, changing the fabric of the community, culturally and economically.

Today, there's a delicate balance between generations in the area. Shaped by the now-disappearing traditions, the elders share space with a younger crowd whose ties to the region aren't as rooted. Some among them find solace in wild nature and rural life, embracing the identity of Bergslagen's past, while others seek their fortunes in the bustling cities, chasing opportunities far away from their home. Yet, there are those caught in the middle, torn between preserving their families' heritage and pursuing their aspirations elsewhere.

In my work, 'The Sky is a Hazy Shade of Winter', I seek to capture the essence of this transformation, weaving together personal narratives and the ever-changing landscapes of Bergslagen. I paint a picture of my home, a place where the past and present dance in a delicate balance.