Make It Fit

Tingyi Jiang

Keywords: Language, Performativity, Manifesto, @tingyi_jiang

Make It Fit is a key of living, Make It Fit is the essence of progress!

This performance is a speech, a manifesto, a concert, and a ritual. ‘Make It Fit’ permeated in performances, language, systems, and our daily lives. Through spoken words, live instruments, and movement, with rhythmic repetition and theatrical reenactment, the textual and conceptual aspects of ‘Make It Fit’ are peeled back layer by layer. 'Fitting' evolves from a state of unconscious conformity and passive acquiescence into a strategic tool for acquiring the power of voicing. 

This piece fits awkwardly and harmoniously in the most beautiful meeting room of KABK.

Performance schedule: Thursday 27 June 20:00 | Friday 28 June 15:00, 19:00 | Saturday 29 June 20:00 | Sunday 30 June 15:00, 19:00 | Monday 1 July 15:00, 19:00 | Tuesday 2 July 15:00, 19:00

Pictures by Justine Ellul

Suona player: Tomaj György, Vitória Bento | Performer: Anna Lora, Lola Chevron Brankovich, Lila Maria de Coninck | Music: Linus Bonduelle | Costume: Hee Eun Kim | Monotone voice: Lila Maria de Coninck, Lewis Beal, Charlotte Roschka, Miche Ohiggins, Ossip Blits | Choreography advice: Chuyue Xiao