Super Colmado La Euro

Francisco Sebire Munk

Keywords: Heritage, Latin america, Caribbean

Internship: Glamcult Studio
Read Thesis

Super Colmado La Euro is an immersive installation that reimagines the vibrant cultural spaces of Latin American and Caribbean corner shops, known as "Colmados," "Bodegas," or "Tienditas." This project utilizes a blend of visual art, performance, and community interaction to underscore the social and cultural importance of these communal hubs. Visitors are invited to explore a space filled with repurposed everyday objects, music, and culturally rich visuals, all conducted in Spanish, to evoke a sense of belonging and cultural exchange. This installation aims to challenge preconceived notions and foster an appreciation for the diverse and dynamic nature of these cultural spaces.

How can we create more spaces that honor and celebrate cultural identities, fostering understanding and connection rather than division?