In the Process of Becoming Something Else Entirely


Keywords: 3d printing, Sculpture, Science fiction

Read Thesis,

'In the Process of Becoming Something Else Entirely' explores a series of prototypes for fictional bodies. It presents an assemblage of body parts, in the process of becoming imperceptible. Through contortion and mutation, these new creatures reflect both the beauty and the terror of what it means to be othered. 'In The Process Of Becoming Something Else Entirely' proposes to see the out-of-place, not as a place of alienation, but as a place of possibility.   

NVDP sees fiction as a vehicle to queer the body. NVDP utilizes their experience as a non-binary gender-queer entity, and their love for the fictional territories of body horror, role playing games and sci-fi as a means to (de)construct and fantasize different physical potentialities and subvert the notion of a ‘normal’, ‘attractive’ or ‘legible’ body.