"Retelling: I m sleepy. I'll think some more n tell u tomorrow"

Nurul Ain Binti Nor Halim

Keywords: Decolonial, Relearning, Traditions

ain.hotglue.me, nuainwork@gmail.com, instagram.com/ainhannur

[A] 11:46 : I don’t know about u it feels like I’m listening to myths even tho it’s not even that far of generation

[M] 11:52 : Yeah, too bad we couldn't get stories direct from them anymore

[A] 11:53 : Yh i was born too late dammit

[M] 11:53 : It would’ve been fantastic to know

Oral family stories are fragile. There is no certainty to it. It could perhaps be even untrue. With every recital, it transforms. Yet it takes a step closer to silently being forgotten. As small and untrue these stories may be, they are our sole inheritance from our families.