To Feel a Voice

Laura van den Enden

Keywords: Textile installation, Craftmanship, Tufting,,

The project "To Feel a Voice" is an attempt to discover the human voice as a remnant of a character and the personality it inhabits. The voice is only auditive but how does it really feel? Every voice has its own colour and texture. These characteristics find its translation in a textural installation.

For years, I have kept a notebook. Where instead of leaving the page blanc after I wrote things down, I have the tendency to fill the page with blacks as fast as possible. Black ink, charcoal or thick paint frame the words I have written. This way of framing becomes the foundation of the project. Of which colours and textures shape the voice. The project is way to celebrate and monumentalize the human voice into matter.



As the human species, we evolved in such a way that we started using the organs already existing in our bodies to vocalize. Now we got our voice, we are afraid to lose it. That’s strange. Other animals communicate to each other too, but what makes our communication different to our ape ancestors? I think there’s something in the human voice that re-presents us better than any other human quality. But what is that exactly? In the thesis I want to research the human voice and try to answer the following question: “Is having a voice that what makes us human?” The research is shaped by the analysis of human communication, voice and character, voice behaviour, multiple voices and voices in art.