

Graduation Project

This is where we start: two aliens on the pavement.

We are beginning a story that will unfold over time. Our graduation project is the first chapter of a continuous research into collaborative art-making and theatrical methodologies. Over the last months we have surrendered to the process of ripening like cheese does.

Together with other humans and non-humans we are crafting a surreal theater play that manifests itself in the form of endless rehearsals. Shaped by both scripted words and physical disruption. Our bodies following the dictum of life and play.

If you happen to find your way into the KABK building between 8th and 11th of July, you will encounter us in a long room with a sink, an oven, and a tiny exit. We will be rehearsing and you will become part of the story.

This project is a collaboration between Natalia Irena Nikoniuk and Bo Wielders.

Rehearsal also involves: Zeynep Yılmaz, Bassel Halabi, Ayla Aron, Aya Koné, Guenn Ramon Gustina, Max van Olffen, Onur Tayranoğlu, Naomi Moonlion.

Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video.



Before walking into the text, I am standing in the city; between faces of strangers and fresh breads, movies in the morning and corner stores. The city shelters and feeds me with comfort on one day. The city leaves me naked and hungry the next. While naked and hungry I pass a place that seems to be a home to some, but cold concrete to others. With and throughout this thesis text I research exclusion within urbanism, and how peripheral perspectives are positioned within the city.

page 11

some days



has a voice

she is talking in a tongue

that is unfamiliar to many

but loud enough

for all of us to hear