‘'Մոռացում'' (Oblivion)

My art is a process of observing, feeling and thinking that explores the impossible boundaries and a sense of belonging, enriches the mind and offers space. The emotions and experiences that arise from this are like an invisible mirror in which you see yourself. The existence of man, the presence, the transience of things and transformation from which a new life arises, for me are like an inner journey where you discover your own treasure chest of your existence, where the relationship between past and present is inseparable, dynamic and timeless in nature. This path to the energetic experience leads to new spiritual paths, where I bring together the balance of different layers of existence and the human cycle, growth, decay and the endless rhythms and vibrations of life. I strive for each work of art to lead a life of its own, in which you are sucked into feeling and experiencing that actual reality. There is talk of a new beginning, a new view and a new future in the unknown existence.


‘'Մոռացում'' (Oblivion)

In my project ‘'Մոռացում'' (Oblivion) I present a film and installation which is based on the journey made in Meghri , Armenia. Returning to my roots , I experienced the traces of the past , which gave me a sense of a timeless dimension . The story of my great - grandfather , who awoke from a coma after seven years , greatly touched me and made me think about how time and consciousness relate to each other and influence each other .

I remember a story about my great-grandfather , who was sent to Armenia in a coffin after the Second World War. Before he was buried , the family thought it was better to open the coffin , to make sure they did not felt the body someone else. When his family wanted to say their farewells they touched him and felt the body of my grandfather was still warm. After a month,the doctors said he would never come back to life. But my great - grandmother took him home and cared for him herself. To the surprise of the doctors he woke up for his coma after seven years and went on to live an active life until he was 86.

My work is about the search for an inner experience of time , where memories are made experienceable in the shape of fixation and transformation. I see life as a film reel where emotions come together , which deepens and strengthens human consciousness. These infinite memories arise into the new present , which breathes new life , is more valuable and makes us who we are today.