There is no silence in a place where people live

Alexandra is a visual artist based in The Hague,The Netherlands, born and raised in Athens, Greece. She has graduated her BA in Fine Arts at The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK // 2016-2020). Alexandra started showing an interest for drawing and painting, but as soon as she was introduced to various mediums her direction changed. She developed a fascination for Video, Installations, Text portrayed in various ways and Character Building. She is working with themes rooted and present in her personal life, ether by facing them daily or being emotionally affected by them. During the Video-making process she takes an active role also in front of the camera, by combining simple performative acts with either a specific site, text or visual reference. In the videos her Character undergoes transformation in relation to site and geo-political events from Greece to The Netherlands. She has an interest in how power structures shape the world we live in. She adopts numerous roles in the videos that veer between the witness, the outsider, the nomad, the dancer and the joker. She is intrigued by finding various ways of narration, storytelling and ways that drama can be delivered. Alexandra started actively engaging with the process of art making 5 years ago, and she has ended up having more questions than answers.


There is no silence in a place where people live

This project started after the area that i grew up in, got burnt by a fire in the summer of 2018. This is the latest video of this project, and it deals with the consequences -or better say- aftermath of a disaster in the life of a community. What is the saddest element of such a disaster? It takes different shapes as time passes after the event. In the beginning it is the visual changes, the fact that the most familiar place in the world becomes unrecognisable. However later on, as time passes, perspectives change; it is the fact that there are no people living there anymore, it is empty and silent. The subject is portrayed visually by shots of ruins and images of reminiscence of the people who lived there, such as empty yards and destroyed homes. All that accompanied by a casual narration of memories, realisations and insignificant small stories of the life of this community.

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Catwalks and Funerals are the weirdest Performances

"Catwalks and Funerals are the Weirdest Performances" is an essay with the purpose of exploring, understanding and questioning the nonsensical. Speciffically, how is the nonsensial perceived differently inside, and outside of the circuit of the art world. What does the nonsensical represent when it has a purpose (art world) and when it has no purpsose, when it is truly no making any sense (real world). Additionally how do logic and sense differ in regards to our actions and acceptance of the nonsensical. The thesis is divided into four chapters all named "Acts". All Acts beggin with a small theatrical incident which took place in a the public space, was not planned or purposeful and in which the audience was unaware they were taking the role of the audience. Finally i invented a measurment unit called "Worms" which measures the amount of the nonsensical that different humans carry in their brains, how this affects their actions, perception of life and the way society deals with them.